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Are you drowning in admin?

Do those unpaid invoices keep you awake at night?

Or are you struggling to find the right balance between growing your business and spending time with the family…

You’re not alone.

But with the help of Little Fish VA you can focus on the jobs you love, and growing your bottom line, knowing that all those time-consuming tasks are being taken care of.

How would a VA help?

Whatever the type of business you run, those dull, yet necessary admin tasks are always there eating in to your day.

But not anymore. I can check emails, follow up on enquiries, manage your diary and more – to ensure your day runs smoothly.

Who is Little Fish VA?

Are you great at what you do, but not so good at keeping on top of your medical billing?

Then let me help. I can sort those patient payments, chase those unpaid invoices and keep your cashflow flowing – so you don’t have to.

Experienced VA

I’ve worked across a number of different sectors during my career including Admin, Accounts, Medical and Marketing.

Risk Free!

The work I do is always to the highest standard, but for extra peace of mind I offer a Money Back Guarantee. (T & Cs apply)


I love seeing my clients go from strength to strength and that’s why I’m happy to change your package as you grow.

Medical Specialist

Much of my experience has been in Medical Billing, so if you’re a practitioner and need support I’m best placed to help.

Are you missing out?

And by this I mean, when you started your business did you really do it for your love of admin, or because you wanted to lose your precious evenings and weekends to chasing invoices and sorting emails?

Probably not.

But those small, yet necessary admin tasks are part and parcel of running a business. And as a virtual assistant I very often see business owners and entrepreneurs grow their businesses to a point where they reach an admin overwhelm, and they can no longer spend the time they envisaged on building and expanding their business in the way they want.

But it doesn’t have to be like that.

From taking those admin tasks off your hands, to keeping the accounts in check, Little Fish VA is here to support you and your business in whatever way works for you.

That may be looking after your customers and growing a loyal customer base, or simply keeping the cogs turning in the background, so you can be at the forefront doing what you do best.

And because I work with you remotely, you don’t take on the extra expense of finding office space, providing equipment or paying for time off, sick pay or even coffee breaks. You get the business support you need, when you need it.

Pricing Packages

At Little Fish VA, I offer a range of pricing packages to suit all needs and budgets.

             New Taster Package – Now offering a smaller package of 3 hours admin per month for just £90.  Ask to find out more!                 

10 hours


£28.50 p/h

20 hours


£26.00 p/h

30 hours


£25.00 p/h


Have an ongoing project or requirements that are a little different?

Get in touch to create a package that’s right for you.

Alternatively, if you have a specific project or task that doesn’t fit into a monthly package, my hourly ‘pay as you go’ rates start from £35ph.

Taster package – Hours must be used within the month.

Give me a call so we can talk through the support you need.

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